Day One: Speak



In this video I’ll show you:

  • Where to find reliable starter phrases in your target language – for free
  • What I looked like when I first started speaking Chinese … and again after 2 months
  • How to start overcoming the weirdness of speaking a new language

After you’ve completed today’s challenge, send my team an email at
and tell us how you did! We read every response.

Now that you’ve watched the video,
are you ready to Speak from Day 1?

Following the steps I just outlined will truly help you much more
than you realize in become a confident speaker much, much faster.

1 | Go to and click your target language

This is an excellent, reliable site you can come back to again and again as you build toward future conversations.

2 | Learn to say a simple self-introduction

Find the phrases for “Hello … My name is… Pleased to meet you… Goodbye” in your target language. Write them out, and click on each one to hear their pronunciation. Start mimicking!

3 | Make a video introduction of you saying your phrases!

Once you have somewhat of a flow in your self-intro, make a video to share with other language learners on FI3M! Just do it! You’ll feel fantastic about it, I promise. Use a camera, your computer or even just a smartphone to take a very short video and upload it online.  (Don’t know how? Click here. If you really want to, you can also just upload the audio, but video uploads get more comments).

4 | Then share your video with me here on FI3M

It’s incredibly easy. If you’re hosting your video on Youtube, all you have to do is drop the link into the comments! There, you can also see the Day 1 videos of me and my team, as well as other brave language learners like you. While you’re there, be sure to offer some words of encouragement to the other posters.

5 | And enjoy that feeling!

Now sit back and enjoy that feeling of accomplishment and excitement. This feeling is exactly why speaking from day one is so important. Overcoming the fear of speaking is a big, but also ESSENTIAL step towards become fluent in a new language fast.

THAT’S IT! You just spoke from Day 1. Feels good, doesn’t it?

Make sure you check out to upload your video
and see other videos from Day 1 learners